Our Mission & Vision
"For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love." Romans 5:5

As a created community of beloved Children of God, Fir-Conway Lutheran Church, members of the ELCA, proclaim the Gospel of a risen Lord, and share this good news to all.  We go forth to rejoicing this mission in the following ways: 

Offering the means of Grace through reading and preaching the Word of God.

Offering God's grace through Holy Communion, Baptism, and Anointing of the Sick.

Providing Christian Education;

Providing Christian Fellowship;

Serving our community and global needs through Christian witness. 

Here at Fir-Conway, we value our members and the sharing of our gifts beyond our front doors.  We support many ministries that reach out to the vulnerable people of the Snohomish and Skagit Valley communities. 


We support the missions of Friendship House, YMCA Oasis Teen Shelter, Josephine Caring Community, Family Promise, Conway Easter Egg Hunt.
Friendship House
Friendship house is an organization that helps people who are struggling with any number of issues in their lives. Once a month, on a Sunday afternoon, Fir-Conway Lutheran Church prepares and serves the meal at the Friendship House Cafe’ in downtown Mount Vernon. Volunteers provide lasagna, salad, garlic bread, milk and cookies for anyone who is hungry.
We welcome help to keep this program going by providing donations of food or funds and volunteering to serve the meal.  You will find a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall.
YMCA Oasis Teen Shelter
At the YMCA Oasis Teen Shelter, homeless youth from all over Skagit County are given overnight shelter, hot meals and the support they need to improve their lives. Oasis has provided short-term emergency shelter to youth ages 13-17 since 1997 and operates 365 days a year. Fir-Conway Lutheran Church supports this organization with financial and practical gifts. Often collecting warm coats, sweatshirts, hats, mittens and scarfs. Other needs are listed on their website  https://www.skagitymca.org/oasis-teen-shelter/



Josephine Caring Community
Josephine Caring Community in Stanwood is a Lutheran facility that combines a Preschool Program, Nursing Care, Transitional Rehab, and Senior Assisted Living. The local ELCA churches support this Community through financial and direct involvement. We are invited each year to the annual meeting, and the Chaplain visits churches to share what is happening at Josephine at least once a year. The Lydia Ladies Aid has helped with many gifts over the years.
You can learn more here: https://www.josephinecc.com/
Easter Egg Hunt

Each year, on the Saturday before Easter, several members of Fir-Conway Lutheran Church and their children create an Easter Egg Hunt for the nearby Conway School children. The plastic eggs, candy and prizes are all donated. It is a fun outreach activity for our congregation to invite our neighbors in the school community to enjoy the event.

Family Promise Skagit

We have been a host church for Family Promise in the past and hope to find ways to help them into the future. More recently we have helped other churches by providing overnight support. “Churches, community members and businesses network to shine a light in the darkness for homeless families in Skagit Valley.” For more information contact www.familypromiseskagit.weebly.com  You can also contact our church office (360) 454-5396.

Our Vision
A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ makes for all people and creation.

Since the very beginning, Fir-Conway Lutheran Church has strived to find ways to serve God through words and deeds.  While entering a new chapter, FCLC continues to look for creative ways to serve the vulnerable and those in need, either through the different ministries we support, or being a place in the Conway/Skagit Valley area for others to gather.  We are the body of Christ.

Being a called community of God, we strive to serve those beyond our front doors.  Whether it is through acts of service, or being a place that others can gather together, Fir-Conway Lutheran Church yearns to be an intregal part of the Conway, Skagit Valley Community.   Find ways to connect with us as we follow God's commandment of being the body of Christ.